Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mixenden Res'r

With a strong westerly gale blowing I thought the res'r might turn something up - but nothing doing other than 12 Canada Geese along the west shore-line that was sheltered from the wind.

In the shelter of the wind I walked the tree belt adjacent to the shore. No disappointment there, coming across a lot of bird activity in the birch,alder and willow. Same situation down the north end with it's well overgrown hawthorn hedge. Plenty birds flitting about and a good number of Swallows and House Martins over the trees. Plenty juveniles with both species was good to see.

Some of these counts estimated, it was so busy ! 1 male Blackcap, 4 Chiffchaff, 2 Nuthatch, 2 Treecreeeper, Goldcrests, Goldfinch and 4 species of 'tit' dominated by Coal Tits all over the place. 

2 alba Wagtails, 1 LBBG and 1 B H Gull flyovers and 1 Grey Heron very high >S

All made for a pleasant hour or so out of the wind.

NCD messaged a Spotted Flycatcher at Roils Head but elusive in the wind.

Also 2 more skeins of Pink-footed geese reported today (PD)- again in a >W direction over Norland.

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