Saturday, June 17, 2023

Shroggs Park - 17th June - Reed Warbler

I had a surprise this morning whilst I was checking out some sites around Ogden. Steve C sent me a phone recording of a bird singing in Shroggs Park at Lee Mount. With Andy C we met up with Steve (plus sound recording gear) just to hear snatches of song. The bird was singing on and off in an area of dense vegetation, tall rampant weeds, large overgrown shrubs and overhanging trees but it was reluctant to show. 

We felt care was needed to ensure correct identification as this is not typical Reed Warbler habitat. They are usually in a reed-bed.

The noise of traffic, along with a helicopter flyover, as well as bird song from Song Thrush, Wren and Blackcaps made for tricky listening and further recording though we came away satisfied that, against other options and the original recording by Steve, that it was in fact a Reed Warbler. Hopefully it will stay around a short while longer. 

Quite a turn up for a local park !!
Well done Steve.

1 comment:

David Sutcliffe said...

No sign nor sound of the Reed Warbler today (19th) so suspect it's moved on ?