Thursday, February 23, 2023

Around and about...

Curlews, Lapwings and Oystercatchers are being reported on a regular basis during the last week or so. It's likely that some of these birds will be moving on though others will soon be following, as many use Calderdale as a stopping off point though a few others will stay for the summer.

A 50+ flock of Brambling were reported today (PGr) from woodland above Cragg Vale near Withens Clough today. Skylarks have started singing at times on the moorland fringes when conditions have suited them.

Skeins of Pink-footed Geese are sill occasionally being seen passing over as they start to return towards there summer quarters. Iceland will be a favoured destination as the daylight lengthens. Whooper Swans will be following in the not too distant future and into March. Always worth listening for as well as watching for them. They will occasionally pass over during the night.

It's worth listening out for Tawny Owls after dark too with a few reports recently from woodland areas.

Stonechats have also been reported regularly, in suitable habit, over the winter period. Amazing how these, mainly insect eating birds, survive throughout our winter weather.

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