Friday, August 20, 2021

Soil Hill & Whiteholme Reservoir; updates from the week

Its been an excellent week on Soil Hill so here is a quick summary of some of the highlights from the past few days.

Soil Hill 16th August
-1 Swift flew south.
-2 Grasshopper Warbler present.
-2 Wheatear.
-3 juvenile Bullfinch on Ned Hill Track.

Soil Hill 18th August
-A RED KITE flew W over Taylor Lane, but made slow progress against a strong SW breeze before dropping low over Bradshaw.
-1 immature Common Redstart was in the garden along Taylor Lane. Initially very elusive, it became more showy later in the morning.
-7 Swift flew south.
-A Great Spotted Woodpecker was calling on Taylor Lane.
-2 Grasshopper Warbler.
-2 Wheatear.

A full checklist from this date can be found here;

-Common Redstart
-Red Kite

Soil Hill 19th August
-2 immature Common Redstart together in garden along Taylor Lane. On first passing c.07:00 they were actively chasing each other round, but on my return at c.09:00 they seemed to have established their own stomping grounds at opposite ends of the garden.
-9 Willow Warbler, the highest count of the week.
-3 Wheatear, also the highest count of the week.
-1 Grey Wagtail flew south.

Soil Hill 20th August
-A superb juvenile Whinchat was in the Reservoir Field but was always distant before, after about 10 mins, it flew strongly south down the Hill.
-A Tree Pipit flew north over Ned Hill Track, calling three times. 
-Just 1 Common Redstart remained in the garden on Taylor Lane.
-2 Grasshopper Warbler were still present, even uttering some short reels.
-A juvenile Sedge Warbler was at the bottom of the North Slope.

A full checklist from this date can be found here;


I only had time for a couple of visits to Whiteholme This week, but there were a few birds around. The shoreline seems to have dramatically reduced since last I was up there about 10 days ago, but still plenty for migrant shorebirds to go at.

Whiteholme Reservoir 17th August
-Female Goldeneye present.
-5 Oystercatcher roosting on the shoreline.

Whiteholme Reservoir 19th August
-A superb adult GREY PLOVER was on the island. It stayed present for the hour I was there, looking very relaxed and feeding away on the island. 
-Female Goldeneye still present
-3 Wheatear

A full checklist from this date can be found here;

-Grey Plover

1 comment:

David Sutcliffe said...

Quite a week again with some really good birds Daniel.