Soil Hill has been fairly steady this week with around 35 - 40 species daily but without much change in diversity. Migrant numbers continue to be steady, with numbers peaking as follows;
Willow Warbler: 4 on the 13th
Whitethroat: 9 on the 14th
Whitethroat: 9 on the 14th
Blackcap: A single female on the 11th
Wheatear: 7 on the 11th
Wheatear: 7 on the 11th
Soil Hill 10th May
-A Sedge Warbler was in the North Slope Tree-Line but it was extremely elusive and silent. It initially perched up in the vegetation but then dropped and could not be relocated. By this time last year the male bird was already well established on it's territory, hopefully it is not too late.
-On the NK Pond was a pair of Tufted Duck. These were present during the early days of the week but not present subsequently
-A Lesser Redpoll flew over Taylor Lane. Siskins have also been present throughout the week, but all have been flyover birds.
A full checklist from this date can be found here;
Soil Hill 11th May
-2 House Martin flew over heading west
-A single Grey Wagtail flew south towards Ogden
I also paid a morning visit to see Garden Warbler at Oats Royd on the 12th. Whilst typically elusive it was vocal throughout, with an audio recording here;
-Garden Warbler
The number of waders at Whiteholme dropped from the weekends peak counts, with much smaller numbers on the shoreline. Hopefully, the large ammount of exposed substrate will continue to attract birds during the rest of the spring. Wader numbers peaked as follows;
Dunlin: on the 13th
Ringed Plover: 8 on the 10th
Common Sandpiper: 6 on the 10th
Whiteholme Reservoir 10th May
-A single WHIMBREL arrived mid-afternoon and took up residence on the centre 'island' of the reservoir where it promptly fell asleep. Although it spent much of its time sleeping, it also spent some time bathing and preening. It was still there when I left.
Whiteholme Reservoir 11th May
-A pair of Tufted Duck made an appearance on the reservoir
-A male WHITE WAGTAIL was in the NW corner of the reservoir.
Whiteholme Reservoir 13th May
-Presumably Sundays PINK-FOOTED GOOSE flew over again early morning, calling frequently
-A pair of Teal sleeping on the 'island' in the middle of the reservoir
-A MARSH HARRIER flew north over Blackstone Edge, before returning back south. The bird was viewed directly into early morning sun so determining feature was difficult, but the dark wingtips in a few of the photos presumably make this a male of undetermined age.
A full checklist from this date can be found here;

-Marsh Harrier
Whiteholme Reservoir 14th May
-A single Twite was feeding on the path on Blackstone Edge. It was colour ringed but the observation was too breif to obtain the full combination.
Whiteholme Reservoir 16th May
-A Cuckoo was on the barbed wire in the SW corner, before then moving on towards Lighthazzles.
-A Mute Swan flew south over the moors
1 comment:
Great work again Daniel and some good species recorded.
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