Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Disappointing news from this spring

Early in April this year, a male pied flycatcher returned to a box placed in Jumble Hole, and started to sing and display to attract a mate. It was the same site as last years successful rearing of 6 chicks, so presumed to be the same bird.

After 22 days of patience on his part, a female finally showed up. They appeared to immediately pair up, and he never left her side for 3 days.

Then suddenly, the male went missing without trace. I checked the other boxes in the area to check if he had set up a second territory, but nothing. The female continued to nest build, but nothing more was seen or heard of the male. I strongly suspect he was predated, as previously he was constantly present and site faithful.

She actually went on to lay 5 eggs, and sat on them for more than 20 days occasionally nipping out for a feed, but eventually realised they were infertile. Disappointing outcome considering how scarce this species is in Calderdale, but encouraging that birds came back for a second year.

What will happen next spring is anyone's guess.


David Sutcliffe said...

Great report Matt. Let’s hope they fare better next year. They only have a tenuous hold in Calderdale unfortunately.

Dave Brotherton said...

Good report Matt but a sad one.

AndyC said...

Thanks for the update , a great read..